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Running marathons against cancer

  • Created by KENSINGTON Deutschland

KENSINGTON FINEST PROPERTIES is not only known for its outstanding property projects, but also for the social commitment of its employees. Selected members of management and friends of KENSINGTON regularly take part in major marathons in cities such as New York and London. Nils Schulze (KENSINGTON Oldenburg), Daniel Malek (CEO KENSINGTON D-A-CH - region), Maleni Piyasiri (KENSINGTON Head of Marketing) and Tanju Tüfekçiler from Bremen are currently preparing for the 50th Berlin Marathon on 29 September.

By taking part in Berlin, the team of four not only wants to push themselves to their personal limits, but also start the race for the fight against cancer. For every kilometre of training, they will raise money for two charitable organisations. The donations collected will help to ensure that families and those affected receive the support they need. KENSINGTON wants to ensure that every child has the chance of a carefree childhood that many take for granted.

Support for "AVS & Friends e. V." and "Cancel Cancer e. V."

The first organisation to benefit from the donations collected is AVS & Friends e.V., which was founded in 2007. The passionate project of committed Bremen residents collects donations for its own hardship fund "Help in Need". The association uses the money raised to support cancer patients and their families in financial hardship. More than one million euros have been collected so far, which benefits around 350 people in Bremen and the surrounding area every year.

The second association is Cancel Cancer e. V., which was founded by a mixed group from the fields of film, gastronomy and social education. The association supports paediatric cancer research in a creative and modern way. As this area of research is particularly dependent on donations, Cancel Cancer is committed to raising public awareness and funds for research into the diseases. Together with its ambassadors, the organisation fights for a cancer-free childhood.

Every kilometre counts - for employees too

The four-member KENSINGTON Marathon Team is actively collecting donations against cancer with its running activities. Under the motto "Every kilometre counts", the training runs in the run-up to the Berlin Marathon will be converted into donations. All KENSINGTON employees in Germany and Europe are also called upon to take part in sporting activities and collect their own donations against cancer. 

With their commitment to the Berlin Marathon, KENSINGTON managers are sending out a strong signal in the fight against cancer. With the donations collected, KENSINGTON will help to ensure that affected families receive the support they need and that every child has the chance of a carefree childhood. KENSINGTON is thus demonstrating that social commitment and sporting activities go hand in hand in an ideal way.